Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wendy's CD Game 2!!!

Today at Wendy's they had the second CD Game! The cover has a more interesting game though. You use the two stand-up figures to flick the circles onto the different levels for more points.

The title screen thing isn't much different from the other disc.

As you can see there is an 'MP3 Download' option instead of a Personality Quiz. It lets you download tons of music from the game. I think the one I had selected was from Stitch's game.
In the story UB wants to be unique and colorful like all the other stories, but Mayor Sayso says he is just fine... Here's the beginning of the story.
The game is not as fun or addicting in my opinion. What you do is you shoot at the Pineapples as they fly accross the screen. Kind of reminds me of Record Rampage.
I know I played a few more than three times, but I must have gotten a few duplicate scores. Here is the High Score screen.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't look as fun, but it is still really cool! I hope I get it or the disk 1 the next time I go.


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