Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wendy's Backpack Clip!!

Sorry, this is a ton overdue, but I have had a ton of things going on, and didn't have time for a full post or to take pictures. So, a full week ago, on Tuesday, I was at Wendy's, and they had the clip!! The clip is of the burger-bellied funkey (anyone know the names of The Wendy's funkeys?). I have two different pictures of it by itself, but I couldn't get it to turn out quite right.
Plus size comparison of course...
I should probably also mention that when I went to a Wendy's yesterday, they had Magic Treehouse again!! :( I don't know if they ran out, or if I just haven't been going to that specific Wendy's and didn't notice they were slow at getting them... Well, all I am missing now is the Bobblehead! All I can do is hope. Good luck finding Wendy's UB Funkeys toys of your own!


Be polite and don't get too off topic :)