Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New funkeys checklist!

It contains every funkey including Hidden Realm, adventure packs, and even plushies, flashdrives, and the speakers, I want all the credit to go to the creator so check it out at www.ubfunkeys.thespeakeasy.com!


  1. Off topic again the big city near me is also chicago What county do you live in. I live in Cook County

  2. nibbie24, i live near chicago too :)

  3. I would say but I am really not supposed to share that sort of stuff :/ But I am in the upper half of Illinois

  4. How do you find all those mp funkey there are none by me

  5. All 8 of my MP Funkeys are from Walmarts, are you checking in Walmart? That seems to be the best place to get them from right now.

  6. Yae. I've never seen a mp funkey in my life. I want one soooo bad. But were I live we do have a lot of hr funkeys. Also I do have Dot, Dot's trophie, and Dot's air hockey table. Check out my crib it's LW.


Be polite and don't get too off topic :)