Saturday, January 17, 2009

Finding Hidden Realm Funkeys

Last weekend at a Target I found a rare Yang, after that I ordered the 4 pack from amazon, but it turned out they weren't going to ship it for over a month, so today I was out and about we went to 4 targets 3/4 had hidden realm funkeys I found normal yang bomble and singe, all that is left is a raj, so if you are in target make sure to check out the funkey area! The advantages to getting them from stores add up for less price, you could find ones more rare, and you dont have to wait for them! Hope everyone has the same luck I did!

Also for the Hidden Realm starter kit, I believe the only way to get it is from Walmart online, by the way multiplayer packs are starting to show up in target!! I saw a Lucky, Sprocket, and rare Snipe, so they are no longer just at Walmart.


  1. My favorite funkey is Lucky!But i still dont have him...:( My second favorite funkey is yang!And i have him!:)

  2. hey, where can you get a hidden realm starter pack?, or a dream state cd!

  3. the hidden realm starter is at


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