Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Funkeys!!

While out of town yesterday, we went through some different stores in an area I have never been before. It looked like all hope was dying, but when I went in a Kmart, my luck changed! We basically hit a jackpot. They had rarer singles that I haven't seen in their own package before, like Tiki and Fallout, and they had an Ace. Although I had those things already, I found a Rare Singe that completed my trio of Singes, and a Very Rare Snipe, completing my trio of Snipes!! It of course, also came with VR Wasabi, but theres nothing wrong with having a double of a VR Wasabi!! To sum things up, that was a very satisfying selection of Funkeys they had on their racks. They had them from almost every series, and I hope to see stores with similar selections in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's a really great get! I just wish I was there to get that ace. :T


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