Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mulch and Ace!!!

I finally found Mulch and Ace!!!!!! And somewhere you would never have expected. I found them at Meijer!!!! They had one more of each too! They didn't have any of the 4 Very Rare Series 5 Funkeys though. Only catch about where they were is that we spent like 5 minutes trying to find where the Funkeys were even at! But once we found them, they had a lot, not even counting Mulch + Ace. I have pictures too!!

I might make some Funkeys Facts entries later if I have time... Tell me if you want any specific entries such as Mulch or Ace, otherwise will probably continue at Drift. Good Luck Finding Paradox Green Funkeys!!!!!


  1. I have never even heard of Meijer! XD But you got lucky to find both. I've only found mulch.

  2. Lol, it's basically an everything store, but I think they are just in my area.


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